A partial hospitalization program (PHP) is the step in addiction recovery after inpatient rehab. It balances the 24/7 care of inpatient hospitalization and the independence of outpatient care. At Orlando Recovery Center, PHP gives patients the medical assistance they need while building necessary skills for sobriety.
If any of these apply to you, your clinical team may recommend transitioning to PHP as part of your care.
After inpatient treatment, a PHP schedule is the first step toward independent living and returning to everyday life.
Generally, PHP patients will participate in individual counseling twice per week and group therapy six days per week. Our medical staff addresses your physical, mental and social needs to create a therapeutic plan that grows your recovery daily while giving you more room for free time.
Our Facility
Our center provides a comfortable, home-like environment where you can focus on healing. You’ll also have access to recreational activities and a range of amenities.
Medical detox is not provided as part of a PHP. Those needing medical detox can finish that program separately before starting the PHP phase of treatment.
Leaving treatment early often leads to relapse and overdose, so we always encourage patients to finish their treatment plan. However, patients can leave treatment, even against medical advice, at any time as long as they are not a danger to themself or others. The partial hospitalization program is also available as an online teletherapy option for those cleared to start at this level of care.
Yes, PHPs help patients transition from the intensive inpatient treatment environment to living independently in outpatient care. This ensures patients get the right balance of medical care and independence at a critical stage. Without a smooth transition, patients may have an increased risk of relapse, overdose and other challenging outcomes.
Insurance may cover some or all of a patient’s PHP treatment. However, copays and deductibles may still be involved. Orlando Recovery Center can discuss private payment options for those without insurance.
Several laws are in place that protect employees when they attend rehab.
Treating your addiction is the best way to create a better future for your children. While there are no guarantees you’ll maintain child custody, completing rehab can reduce the harmful effects of addiction on your life and make you more likely to keep your children.
Speak with a Recovery Advocate who can answer your questions and get you started on your recovery journey.
Orlando Recovery Center offers comprehensive addiction treatment for drug and alcohol addictions and co-occurring mental health conditions.
Medical Disclaimer: The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with a substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider.