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Supporting a Fellow Veteran with an Addiction: A Guide

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Last Updated - 06/19/2024

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Key Takeaways

  • Veterans face unique challenges that increase their risk for substance use disorders (SUDs), including co-occurring mental health conditions like PTSD, depression, and anxiety.
  • Military culture and experiences, such as combat exposure, contribute to problematic drinking and prescription drug misuse among veterans.
  • Female and LGBTQ veterans encounter additional barriers in SUD treatment due to lack of gender-tailored programs and discrimination.
  • Recognizing the signs of addiction in veterans is crucial for early intervention and includes behavioral, emotional, physical, and psychological indicators.
  • Approaching veterans about addiction requires a sensitive, non-confrontational approach and providing information about available resources.
  • Recovery for veterans involves detoxification, rehabilitation, and aftercare, with a focus on managing the psychological aftermath of military service.
  • Emotional support strategies for veterans in recovery include mindfulness practices, active listening, and professional mental health services.
  • Assisting with practical aspects of recovery, such as arranging treatment and navigating legal issues, is essential for veterans’ stability.
  • Comprehensive addiction resources for veterans are available through the VA, SAMHSA, and various support organizations.

Addressing Substance Abuse Among Veterans: Challenges and Contributing Factors

Veterans often grapple with distinctive challenges that heighten their risk for substance use disorders (SUDs). A few of the major challenges and contributing factors include 

  • PTSD and other mental health disorders, 
  • military culture and experiences, and 
  • stigma and discrimination against particular veterans groups. 

Addressing these challenges requires an integrated treatment approach that simultaneously tackles SUDs and co-occurring mental health disorders, considering the veteran’s unique experiences and needs. Ensuring access to specialized, veteran-focused treatment programs and reducing stigma through awareness campaigns are crucial steps in supporting veterans’ recovery journeys. 

Understanding PTSD and Addiction Interplay in Veterans

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Substance Use Disorders (SUD) frequently coexist among veterans, a phenomenon that can create a complex web of mental health challenges. The National Center for PTSD reports that some veterans use drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism for PTSD symptoms, and a study published in Substance Use Disorders in Military Veterans found that veterans with PTSD are more likely to receive opioid prescriptions and higher doses, which can lead to misuse and addiction. Also, research indicates that veterans with mental health diagnoses are also more susceptible to adverse outcomes like overdoses and violence-related injuries.The concurrent treatment of PTSD and SUD can lead to improved outcomes, as both conditions can be addressed simultaneously.

Understanding the prevalence and impact of co-occurring PTSD and SUD is crucial for effective treatment. The presence of PTSD can exacerbate SUD, and vice versa, creating a cycle that can be difficult to break without comprehensive and tailored treatment approaches. 

Military Culture’s Influence on Veteran Substance Abuse

Military culture and experiences play a significant role in substance abuse among veterans. The prevalence of substance use disorders (SUDs) in military veterans is a critical concern, with research indicating a strong association between military service and increased risk for SUDs, particularly following deployment to combat zones.

The military’s historic social and cultural norms, including the “romanticizing” of alcohol use, contribute to problematic drinking behaviors. This aligns with findings from a systematic narrative review which identified military characteristics, deployment consequences, mental health implications, and cultural and social factors as key themes influencing alcohol use among service members.

The Effect of Stigma and Discrimination on Veteran Substance Abuse

Female veterans and the LGBTQ veteran community also encounter unique challenges, including discrimination and stigma and a lack of gender-tailored SUD treatment, leading to worse health outcomes and reluctance to seek care. Homelessness, another issue disproportionately affecting veterans and marked by stigma, is often intertwined with SUDs and can exacerbate the difficulty in accessing necessary resources and treatment.

Efforts to reduce stigma and promote mental well-being are crucial, as stigma can deter veterans from seeking treatment for substance abuse and mental health issues. Programs like Military Pathways and the Real Warriors Campaign aim to educate and encourage treatment-seeking by addressing stigma head-on. Despite these efforts, many veterans still do not seek the treatment they need, with stigma playing a significant role in this reluctance.

Understanding the military’s influence on substance abuse is imperative for providing effective support and treatment to veterans. Addressing cultural factors, reducing stigma, and promoting mental health are essential steps in supporting veterans struggling with SUDs.

Identifying Addiction Signs in Veterans

Recognizing the signs of addiction in veterans is crucial for early intervention and support. Addiction in veterans can manifest through a range of symptoms, which may include the following:

  • Behavioral Changes: Shifts in social patterns, withdrawal from family and activities, neglect of responsibilities, and changes in activity levels.
  • Emotional Symptoms: Mood swings, irritability, depression, feelings of hopelessness, and emotional numbness, often as a result of attempting to self-medicate.
  • Physical Signs: Noticeable changes in appearance, unexplained weight loss or gain, and signs of withdrawal such as shakiness or sweating.
  • Psychological Indicators: Increased anxiety, difficulty concentrating, memory problems, and heightened reactions to stress.

Veterans may also face co-occurring disorders such as PTSD and chronic pain, which can complicate the addiction and require specialized treatment approaches. Understanding these signs and the context in which they occur can help in providing timely and effective support to veterans struggling with addiction.

Veteran Recovery Is Our Mission

Our facilities have helped thousands of veterans overcome a drug or alcohol addiction. At Orlando Recovery Center, our treatment programs offer veterans:

  • Veteran Advocates who can navigate the VA on your behalf to enter treatment faster
  • Experienced clinicians trained in military culture and trauma-informed care
  • Dual diagnosis to treat addiction and mental health disorders together  
  • EMDR, a revolutionary treatment that alleviates trauma symptoms

Opioid Abuse among Veterans

Additionally, veterans may exhibit signs specific to opioid misuse, such as an inability to stop using opioids, worrying about the next dose, and experiencing intense cravings. The Veterans Affairs Opioid Overdose Education and Naloxone Distribution (OEND) program provides resources to prevent, recognize, and respond to an opioid overdose. It’s important to note that substance abuse can start with occasional use and escalate to habitual use, often as a coping mechanism for physical or emotional pain. 

Identifying Physical and Behavioral Signs of Addiction in Veterans

Veterans may exhibit specific physical and behavioral signs due to their unique experiences and challenges. Physical signs of substance abuse can include noticeable changes such as 

  • weight loss or gain, 
  • poor personal hygiene, and 
  • visible marks or injuries without a clear explanation. 

Behavioral changes are often more indicative of underlying issues. These may encompass 

  • isolation from friends and family, 
  • sudden mood swings, 
  • unexplained aggression, 
  • shifts in social circles,
  • neglect of responsibilities, 
  • decreased performance at work, 
  • increased absenteeism,
  • engaging in risky behaviors, such as driving under the influence,
  • changes in sleep patterns, either excessive sleep or insomnia, or
  • alterations in eating habits.

It’s important to note that these symptoms can also be related to co-occurring disorders such as PTSD, depression, or anxiety, which are common among veterans. Therefore, a comprehensive assessment by a healthcare professional is essential for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Identifying Emotional and Psychological Signs of Addiction in Veterans

Veterans may exhibit distinct emotional and psychological signs of addiction that stem from their unique experiences. 

Emotional indicators can include 

  • mood swings,
  • increased irritability, and 
  • feelings of depression. 

Psychological signs often manifest as 

  • anxiety, 
  • difficulty concentrating, and 
  • memory problems. 

A study shows that veterans with substance use disorders (SUDs) frequently have co-occurring mental health disorders such as PTSD, depression, and anxiety, which can exacerbate substance abuse.

Sleep Changes as a Sign of Addiction in Veterans

Exposure to combat and the stress of military service can lead to “adjustment insomnia,” a condition linked to acute stress, and “primary insomnia,” which relates to long-term sleep disturbances. These sleep disorders may contribute to self-medicating behaviors, increasing the risk of addiction. 

Potential for Accompanying Suicidal Thoughts

It is critical to recognize that addiction in veterans may be accompanied by a higher incidence of suicidal thoughts and attempts. According to StatPearls – NCBI Bookshelf, providers should screen for depression and substance use disorders, which are correlated with completed suicides. The complexity of emotional and psychological signs in veterans requires a nuanced approach to identification and treatment, taking into account the interplay between mental health, substance abuse, and the veteran’s service experiences.

The Importance of Early Detection

Understanding these signs is the first step in providing the necessary support and resources to veterans facing addiction. Early detection and intervention can significantly improve the chances of successful recovery and reintegration into civilian life.

Effective Strategies for Approaching Veterans About Addiction

Approaching a veteran about their addiction requires sensitivity, understanding, and respect for their unique experiences. It’s crucial to acknowledge the challenges veterans may face, such as PTSD, chronic pain, or other service-related issues, which can contribute to substance use disorders. To begin a conversation about addiction, consider the following strategies:

  • Choose an appropriate setting: Find a quiet, private space where the veteran feels safe and comfortable to discuss personal matters without interruptions or judgment.
  • Be empathetic and non-confrontational: Approach the conversation with empathy and avoid any language that might seem accusatory or confrontational. Emphasize your concern for their well-being and offer support.
  • Provide information about resources: Inform the veteran about the various treatment options available through the VA, such as medication options, counseling, therapy, and support for related health conditions like PTSD and depression. Encourage them to connect with a VA primary care provider or the OEF/OIF/OND coordinator at their local VA medical center.
  • Offer immediate help: If the veteran is in crisis, guide them to the Veterans Crisis Line, where they can connect with a responder any time of day or night.
  • Encourage action: Motivate the veteran to take the first step towards recovery by applying for VA health care and discussing their substance use with a primary care provider.

Remember, it’s important to be patient and prepared for any outcome. The veteran may not be ready to seek help immediately, but knowing that support is available can be a crucial step in their recovery journey.

Strategizing Intervention: Timing and Setting Matters

When planning to approach a veteran about their addiction, it is crucial to consider both the timing and the setting. The goal is to create an environment that feels safe, non-confrontational, and supportive. Here are some key factors to consider:

  • Privacy: Choose a private setting where the conversation can remain confidential and the veteran feels secure to speak openly.
  • Comfort: Ensure the location is comfortable and familiar to the veteran, free from distractions and interruptions.
  • Timing: Select a time when the veteran is most likely to be sober and in a calm state of mind. Avoid times of high stress or after a traumatic event.
  • Support: If appropriate, involve close friends or family members who can provide emotional support and reinforce the message of care and concern.

It’s important to remember that the approach should be compassionate and respectful, recognizing the unique challenges that veterans face. A well-thought-out intervention can be a critical step in encouraging a veteran to seek help and begin their journey to recovery.

Communicating with Veterans about Addiction: Language and Tone

When discussing addiction with veterans, the language and tone used are crucial in fostering a supportive environment. 

According to resources like the Addiction Language Guide by Shatterproof and the National Institute on Drug Abuse, language choice can either contribute to stigma or help reduce it. Stigmatizing language can isolate individuals and hinder their willingness to seek treatment. The VA and DoD Clinical Practice Guidelines emphasize the importance of non-stigmatizing, person-first language. This approach respects the individual’s humanity and avoids defining them by their condition. Instead of saying “addict” or “alcoholic,” use terms like “person with a substance use disorder” to maintain a neutral and respectful tone. It’s essential to communicate in a way that conveys understanding, empathy, and a commitment to support the veteran’s journey to recovery.

Moreover, being mindful of the military culture and experiences that veterans have gone through is important. Recognize the strength and resilience veterans possess, and ensure that conversations about addiction are framed positively, focusing on recovery and the possibility of a healthier future. Utilizing a tone of camaraderie and respect, akin to the solidarity found within military units, can be particularly effective.

Guiding Veterans on the Path to Recovery

Supporting a veteran through their recovery journey is a multifaceted endeavor that requires understanding, dedication, and access to appropriate resources. Recovery for veterans often encompasses more than just overcoming addiction; it also involves adapting to civilian life and managing the psychological aftermath of military service. 

Resources that can assist veterans on this path to recovery include the following:

  • Facilities like the Pennsylvania Recovery Center are committed to providing veterans with enhanced recovery services, acknowledging the unique challenges they face, such as PTSD, substance abuse, and the transition to civilian life. These centers often have staff with personal and professional experiences relevant to veterans’ needs, offering a supportive environment for healing.
  • Government initiatives, such as those outlined in President Biden’s 2024 budget, demonstrate a commitment to supporting military and veteran families by improving childcare, education, and disability services. These systemic supports are crucial for creating a stable foundation for veterans during recovery. 
  • Partnerships between organizations like Veterans Guardian and Irreverent Warriors highlight the importance of mental health support and suicide prevention, addressing the emotional and psychological aspects of veteran recovery.
  • The Veterans Crisis Line and the National Call Center for Homeless Veterans provide immediate assistance for veterans in crisis, ensuring they have access to help when needed. 
  • Financial assistance programs, including grants for everyday expenses and specialized support for women veterans, play a critical role in alleviating the stressors that can hinder recovery. 

The collective efforts of recovery centers, government programs, and non-profit organizations create a network of support that empowers veterans to navigate the recovery process and reintegrate into civilian life with dignity and hope.

Navigating the Recovery Process: Detox, Rehab, and Aftercare

The journey to recovery for veterans with addiction is multifaceted, encompassing detoxification, rehabilitation, and aftercare. 

  • Detoxification is the initial phase of treatment, where the body rids itself of substances. The duration and intensity of detox vary based on the substance and addiction severity. 
  • Following detox, rehabilitation programs provide structured therapy, helping individuals address the psychological aspects of addiction. These programs may include individual counseling, group therapy, and other therapeutic activities designed to promote recovery.
  • After completing a rehab program, aftercare becomes crucial in maintaining sobriety and preventing relapse. Aftercare plans are personalized, often including participation in support groups like 12-step programs or SMART Recovery, and may involve alumni programs from treatment centers. These resources provide a community and continued learning to manage stress and cravings. It’s essential to recognize that recovery is a lifelong process with ups and downs. Relapses can occur, but with a robust aftercare plan, they can be managed and overcome. The goal of aftercare is to support the individual’s transition into a sober lifestyle, building resilience and self-efficacy for long-term recovery.

Emotional Support Strategies for Veterans in Recovery

Providing emotional support to a veteran during their recovery from addiction is a critical aspect of their healing process. Emotional support can foster resilience, promote a positive outlook on life, and may even lower the risk of developing suicidal thoughts. To effectively support a veteran, it is important to understand the unique psychological and emotional challenges they face post-service. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs offers numerous resources, including the Veterans Crisis Line, which provides 24/7 support to veterans in crisis.

Here are several ways to provide emotional support:

  • Encourage the use of mindfulness practices such as meditation or yoga, which have been shown to improve PTSD symptoms and overall mental health.
  • Be an active listener, offering a nonjudgmental space for veterans to share their experiences and feelings.
  • Help veterans connect with peer support groups where they can communicate with others who have shared similar experiences.
  • Assist in creating a structured routine that includes activities that provide a sense of purpose and belonging.
  • Encourage engagement with nature and outdoor activities, as these have been linked to mental health benefits.
  • Guide veterans towards professional mental health services, including therapy and counseling, to address and manage their symptoms.

Remember, providing emotional support is not just about being there for the veteran but also about empowering them to take the necessary steps towards recovery and reintegrating into civilian life. The principles of brain energy and recovery-oriented care suggest that honoring the complexity of each veteran’s brain and experiences is key to their mental health and well-being.

Assisting Veterans with Practical Aspects of Addiction Recovery

Supporting a veteran through addiction recovery often involves assisting with practical matters that can be overwhelming for individuals struggling with substance use disorders. These matters include arranging for treatment, attending appointments, and navigating legal issues. 

  • Arranging for treatment is a critical first step, which may involve researching and contacting treatment facilities that specialize in veteran care and understanding the specific benefits and coverage available through veterans’ health services or insurance.
  • Attending appointments can be challenging for veterans dealing with addiction. Offering to accompany them to appointments or helping to organize transportation can provide much-needed support and ensure they receive consistent care. Additionally, understanding the importance of follow-up therapy and advocating for timely appointments is crucial, as delays can hinder recovery.
  • When it comes to legal issues, veterans may face unique challenges. It’s essential to be aware of laws and regulations that impact veterans’ access to care, such as parity laws and changes in healthcare regulations. Assisting veterans with understanding their legal rights and connecting them with legal resources, such as veteran advocacy groups, can help them navigate these complexities. Moreover, staying informed about legislative and regulatory changes affecting veterans’ healthcare can empower both the veteran and their support system to advocate for necessary services and support.

Overall, assisting with practical matters is about providing stability and easing the burdens that can distract from the recovery process. By addressing these practical concerns, supporters can help veterans focus on their health and well-being.

Comprehensive Addiction Resources for Veterans

Veterans facing addiction challenges have access to a variety of resources designed to support their unique needs:

  • The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers medication options, counseling, and therapy for substance use problems, as well as support for related health conditions like PTSD and depression. Veterans can access these services by reaching out to their local VA medical center or speaking to an Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation New Dawn (OEF/OIF/OND) coordinator if applicable.
  • The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) provides grants for substance misuse prevention and substance use disorder (SUD) treatment. Additionally, organizations like the Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes and Wounded Warrior Project offer support ranging from service dogs to financial assistance and career transition services. For veterans dealing with financial stress, the VA’s REACH program can provide guidance on money challenges.
  • The Caregiver Resource Directory assists with finding services and support for military families.
  • The Veteran X Model offers peer-led recovery programs. 
  • For emergency assistance, veterans can contact the Wounded Warrior Project Resource Center or text the Veterans Crisis Line. 
  • For burial needs, the Veterans Cemetery Grants Program provides grants to ensure veterans have access to gravesites.

For veterans grappling with addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders, the VA’s services stand ready to assist. The first step towards recovery is reaching out for help today.


Orlando Recovery Center is a proud member of the VA Community Care Network and are equipped to accept VA health benefits. Our Veteran Advocates are poised to assist you or a cherished veteran in navigating the VA approval process, ensuring you receive the vital help you deserve. Call us today and ask for a dedicated Veteran Advocate to assist you.



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