How Long Does Vicodin Stay in Your System?

By The Orlando Recovery Center
Last Updated: April 23, 2024
After using Vicodin, its effects can be felt from four to eight hours later. However, the most commonly used drug tests can detect Vicodin for two to four days following the previous consumption. Some tests can detect Vicodin for up to 90 days after it was last used. Additional factors can affect detection periods, such as the amount of Vicodin consumed and the frequency of Vicodin use.
Vicodin contains the opioid hydrocodone, a semi-synthetic drug created from codeine. To test for Vicodin, or hydrocodone use in general, urine, hair, saliva and blood tests all screen for codeine-based opioids.
What Is Vicodin?
Vicodin is an opioid-based pain reliever that is used to manage chronic and severe pain. The prescription medication is made of 300 mg of acetaminophen and varying amounts of hydrocodone.
Hydrocodone is an opioid drug that is derived from codeine. As an opioid, hydrocodone can create feelings of pleasure and euphoria when consumed, which causes some people to misuse the drug. As a prescription medication, Vicodin is solely meant for pain relief.
Vicodin Half-Life
A drug’s half-life is the amount of time it takes for half of the drug to metabolized and removed from the system. For Vicodin’s primary opioid ingredient, hydrocodone, the half-life is around 3.8 hours on average. Acetaminophen has a half-life of 1.25 to three hours. After about four to five half-life cycles, the drug and its effects will be mostly undetectable in the body.
How Long Does Vicodin Stay in Your Urine?
Urine screenings are one of the most common forms of drug testing. Hydrocodone (a codeine-derived synthetic opioid) can be detected in the urine for two to four days. If codeine is detected in the urine, the test results will come back as positive. If no codeine is detected, the test will be negative.
Most urine tests do not verify which drug was used specifically — amphetamine, barbiturate, benzodiazepine or opioid — the test will only reveal a positive detection result.
Related: The Ways People Try to Cheat and Pass Drug Tests
How Long Does Vicodin Stay in Your Saliva?
Saliva tests can detect drugs almost immediately after use. When screening for Vicodin, the test can detect hydrocodone for one to 36 hours after use. If a person uses Vicodin a saliva test can detect the Vicodin for about a day-and-a-half.
How Long Does Vicodin Stay in Your Blood?
Blood testing is seen as an ineffective way to test for drug use because of its invasive nature and short detection window. When screening for Vicodin, a blood test can detect hydrocodone for two to 12 hours after use. A person would need to have their blood tested within half of a day for it to show up on a blood test as a positive result.
How Long Does Vicodin Stay in Your Hair?
Hair testing is the least common drug testing method, but it can detect drug use for a much longer period. Hair tests can typically detect the hydrocodone in Vicodin for up to 90 days. This three-month timespan is similar to the detection window of other drugs when it comes to hair tests.
Getting Treatment for Vicodin Abuse
If you or a loved one suffer from Vicodin misuse or addiction, the Orlando Recovery Center can help you achieve a life free of drug use. Medical detox is the safest way to begin sobriety. Our professional staff will assist you every step of the way. To learn how to begin treatment, contact The Orlando Recovery Center to speak with a representative. Begin your healthier future today.