If you are in an immediate emergency, call 911. If you are looking for more information on substance abuse treatment and it is not a medical emergency, call our 24/7 Lortab Helpline at 844-584-4185.

Lortab was the brand name of a prescription opioid medication that was commonly prescribed to treat moderate to severe pain. Opioids are a class of drugs that includes illicit opioids like heroin and prescription opioids like hydrocodone and oxycodone.

Taking opioids for a long period of time or misusing them can lead to dependence and addiction. It is important to take prescription opioids like Lortab exactly as prescribed to reduce the risk of addiction.

In 2020, 9.3 million people aged 12 or older misused prescription opioids. Opioid misuse can include:

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Whether you are struggling with addiction, mental health or both, our expert team is here to guide you every step of the way. Don’t wait— reach out today to take the first step toward taking control of your life. 

  • Taking too much medication
  • Taking someone else’s medicine
  • Taking medication in a different way than prescribed
  • Taking medication to get high

What Is Lortab?

Lortab was a prescription brand-name drug that contained hydrocodone and acetaminophen. It is now only available as a generic medication, but it may still be prescribed by an authorized practitioner as Lortab. Other brand names for the same combination include Vicodin and Norco.

Hydrocodone is an opioid and acetaminophen is an over-the-counter pain medication. The acetaminophen is used in combination with hydrocodone to improve the medication’s pain-relieving effectiveness. Hydrocodone works by activating opioid receptors in the central nervous system. In doing so, the drug alters the emotional response to pain and the sending of pain signals from the body to the brain.

If someone was prescribed to take Lortab, they should speak with their doctor about their full medical history and any other substances they’re using. This is because when an opioid like hydrocodone is used with another central nervous system (CNS) depressant, it can be fatal. Other CNS depressants include benzodiazepines, alcohol and prescription sleep aids. A person shouldn’t combine Lortab with other opioids, such as oxycodone or morphine, without first consulting a doctor.

Common side effects of Lortab include:

  • Feeling lightheaded, dizzy or sedated
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Dry mouth
  • Constipation
  • Changes in mood

Lortab vs. Norco

Lortab and Norco were both brand-name prescription opioid medications containing hydrocodone and acetaminophen. Both of these medications are now only available in generic versions. Lortab was available containing 500 mg of acetaminophen, whereas Norco contained 325 mg of acetaminophen.

Lortab vs. Vicodin

Vicodin was another brand-name opioid medication containing hydrocodone and acetaminophen. Similar to Lortab and Norco, the Vicodin brand has also been discontinued. At one time, Lortab and Vicodin both contained 500 mg of acetaminophen per tablet, but Vicodin was later reformulated to contain only 300 mg of acetaminophen per tablet. These medications are now only available in generic versions but may still be prescribed by their brand names.

Lortab Dosage

Lortab generic equivalents containing 500 mg of acetaminophen are no longer available. On January 13, 2011, the FDA requested that all drug manufacturers limit the amount of acetaminophen in prescription drug products to no more than 325 mg per dosage unit to decrease the risk of liver damage.

Currently, generic combinations of hydrocodone and acetaminophen similar to Lortab are available in tablet form. The shape and size of the tablet can vary depending on the manufacturer and strength. Available generic products that are similar to Lortab may appear as:

Lortab 10 similar available generic products (hydrocodone 10 mg and acetaminophen 300 mg):

  • White, oblong tablet with A 43 imprinted on one side
  • White, oblong tablet with n 353 imprinted on one side
  • White, oblong tablet with RP imprinted on one side and 10 300 imprinted on one side

Lortab 10 similar available generic products (hydrocodone 10 mg and acetaminophen 325 mg):

  • Yellow, oblong tablet with 36 01 imprinted on one side and v imprinted on one side
  • White, oblong tablet with U03 imprinted on one side
  • White, oblong tablet with M367 imprinted on one side

Lortab 7.5 similar available generic products (hydrocodone 7.5 mg and acetaminophen 300 mg):

  • White, oblong tablet with A 42 imprinted on one side
  • White, oblong tablet with n 352 imprinted on one side
  • White, oblong tablet with C115 imprinted on one side

Lortab 7.5 similar available generic products (hydrocodone 7.5 mg and acetaminophen 325 mg):

  • Peach, oblong tablet with T258 imprinted on one side
  • Pink, oblong tablet with E112 imprinted on one side
  • White, oblong tablet with A 39 imprinted on one side

Lortab 5 similar available generic products (hydrocodone 5 mg and acetaminophen 300 mg):

  • White, oblong tablet with A 41 imprinted on one side
  • White, oblong tablet with n 351 imprinted on one side
  • White, oblong tablet with C114 imprinted on one side

Lortab 5 similar available generic products (hydrocodone 5 mg and acetaminophen 325 mg):

  • White, oblong tablet with IP 109 imprinted on one side
  • White, oblong tablet with G 035 imprinted on one side
  • White, oblong tablet with M365 imprinted on one side

Is Lortab Addictive?

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) categorizes certain substances based on a combination of their medical uses and the potential for abuse and addiction. Due to the presence of hydrocodone, Lortab is a Schedule II substance. Most opioids are Schedule II, aside from heroin, which is Schedule I.

Being a Schedule II drug indicates that although hydrocodone is approved for medical use, the potential for addiction is high. According to the DEA, Schedule II drugs can lead to severe physical and psychological dependence. The DEA also defines Schedule II drugs as being dangerous. Other Schedule II substances include methadone, cocaine and fentanyl.

When someone takes an opioid like hydrocodone, it activates opioid receptors in the brain and central nervous system. This is how the drug alters the brain’s emotional pain response. Along with pain relief, some people who use hydrocodone may experience euphoria, relaxation or a pleasant sense of well-being.

Experiencing these pleasurable effects is one reason why people abuse opioids. If the brain is exposed to an opioid like hydrocodone, the exposure can trigger a response that leads to addiction. Addiction develops when someone’s reward response is activated, which is what can happen with hydrocodone. Addiction changes the chemical makeup of the brain and how it functions. A person can also develop Lortab dependence, meaning their brain and body require the drug in order to function normally. If someone with Lortab dependence stops taking the drug, they will go through withdrawal.

When Lortab or another opioid is considered for pain-relief treatment, medical professionals typically assess the person to determine if they are at high risk of becoming addicted. Some considerations that a medical professional might ask about include:

  • Mental health problems, such as PTSD or depression
  • A family or personal history of addiction
  • A genetic predisposition

Lortab and other opioids should typically only be used as short-term pain relievers. The longer someone uses an addictive medication like Lortab, the greater the chances of becoming addicted or dependent. If someone takes Lortab exactly as prescribed, they are at a lower risk of becoming addicted; if someone abuses Lortab, they are more likely to become addicted.

Abuse occurs any time a prescription drug is used outside of how it’s intended. For example, taking Lortab without a prescription is considered abuse. Taking larger doses than instructed or continuing to take it for longer than instructed are also signs of Lortab abuse. With combination pain relievers like Lortab, people should also be aware that acetaminophen can cause damage and harm to the liver if used in large doses.

Lortab Addiction Statistics

Important statistics related to Lortab and other opioids include:

  • In 2016, there were 83.6 million prescriptions written for hydrocodone-containing medications.
  • It’s estimated that 38 Americans die each day from prescription opioid overdoses.
  • In 2019, 49,860 drug overdose deaths involved opioids.
  • Overall, hydrocodone is estimated to be the most frequently prescribed medication in the United States, even though there have been efforts to curb the rate at which the drug is given to patients.
  • In 2018, the DEA estimated that 5.5 million people over the age of 12 used hydrocodone for non-medical reasons.

Lortab Withdrawal and Detox

Detox is the process a person goes through when their body eliminates drugs from its system, and it is the first step in addiction recovery. Lortab detox in a professional medical setting can be individualized to meet the needs of the person struggling with addiction.

At professional treatment facilities like the Orlando Recovery Center, addiction experts develop detailed treatment plans after an initial intake and evaluation. This approach helps outline a plan for managing withdrawal symptoms and drug cravings. Medical detox programs also help to decrease the risk and severity of Lortab withdrawal symptoms.

The amount of time someone spends in detox can affect how long they’re in rehab. While everyone’s situation will be unique, an example of the average Lortab detox timeline is:

  • Within 24 hours: Most people experience initial Lortab withdrawal symptoms within the first 24 hours after they use the last dose of the drug. These early symptoms may be mild and feel like having a cold or flu.
  • First three days: During the first three days, many people will go through peak symptoms of Lortab withdrawal. These symptoms can include abdominal cramping, muscle aches and pains, insomnia, anxiety, depression, nausea or vomiting.
  • Within one weekFor most people who go through Lortab detox, the symptoms will start to go away within a week.

Lortab Addiction Treatment in Orlando, Florida

Orlando Recovery Center is dedicated to helping people find lasting recovery through addiction treatment. Our fully licensed and accredited rehab treatment programs support clients throughout the entire recovery journey, from intake and detox to long-term aftercare.

Our medical detox program is designed to provide safety and comfort during detox with 24-hour medical support and medication-assisted treatment when appropriate. Along with medically assisted detox, the Orlando Recovery Center offers inpatient and outpatient care at varying levels of intensity. Available treatment programs include:

  • Medical detox
  • Inpatient/residential treatment
  • Partial hospitalization program
  • Intensive outpatient services
  • Outpatient care
  • Teletherapy programs
  • Individual and group therapy
  • Family and couples counseling
  • Nutritional counseling and dietary planning
  • Life skills training
  • Fitness therapy
  • Case management
  • Aftercare planning

Amenities at Orlando Recovery Center include a variety of indoor and outdoor activities, including:

  • A swimming pool
  • A fully equipped exercise gym
  • Basketball and sand volleyball courts
  • Yoga, art and life-skills therapy options
  • Designated smoking areas
  • Lakefront views

Lortab withdrawal usually isn’t life-threatening, but it can be difficult to manage on your own. To start the addiction recovery process and learn more about Lortab addiction treatment options, contact the Orlando Recovery Center today.